Get rid of those old school methodologies to manage members and their membership information.
Try our cloud-database solution.
This application will help you to keep data of all your members with their payments and subscribed memberships.
Start by enrolling new members, and your possible subscription/memberships and from the payment button, keep adding payment information of members.
Then with finger swipe you will have all the information of payments, members and memberships.
We have specially designed Application-Dashboard which will provide quick view of current month’s statistics along with other important data analytic.
With the cloud database you can keep logging all the information across the world, with multiple data inputs. This means there will be one Admin user holding all the information access of organization. Admin can add branches of the organization and pass the access to secured gmail authentication.
Then the person managing particular branch can add branch specific details, Once authentication is completed. Admin can view all the branches statistics where as branch operator can only view related to particular branch.
You can also share authentication link to members so that they can have their personal details in dedicated application.
Broadcast alerts: Admin can share some updated in app, which will be visible to branch operators as well as users.
This application suits to variety of fields like gym, fitness centers, canteen, Classrooms, and many more similar cases where there are periodic subscriptions and user management.
Here what you can do with this app:
• Manage Member info,( along with QR/barcode code if any)
• Manage Memberships,
• Member and their payments
• Manage Branches
• Dues and payments calculation and reminders
• Monthly statistics
• Search details using text or QR code.
• sorting as per dues pending
• Send update or message to users or branch manager via Admin app
• Just swipe to get updated information in dashboard....
• Reminders for due dates and other special dates of the members.
• You can set limited seats for the memberships.
• Users can also download this app free, to view their membership details along with QR code. This code can be used for verification purpose.
• And many more feature....
Over the 4 release we have added many features and still we are adding further new features depending on your requests. We are open for new ideas that can make this even better so please write down your suggestions to get support for new features.
Please note that, our database is low cost solution based on firestore's database. We respect all your privacy, but you must visit our privacy policy before going further. If you are concerning about privacy please ask for customized app where firestore database control will be private to you with separate database instance. This also has additional benefits so please ask us for end to end customized application with your own database unlimited database access
.With customized solutions, you can:
• have private database.
• features specific to your need.
• improved user interactions as per your company logo and theme.
If you have any queries related to database, please feel free to contact us.
******Special Thanks********
zxing QR code scanner(For QR code you need zxing QR code scanner.)
Google Firestore database
MPAndroidChart charting library